The Rose 

The Rose, closeup Face, we Rose you live tour

The Rose is a South Korean K-pop band known for their distinctive blend of pop, rock, and R&B music. Formed in 2017 under J&Star Company, the group consists of four members: Woosung (leader and vocals), Dojoon (keyboard and vocals), Jaehyeong (bass and vocals), and Hajoon (drums). The band gained significant attention with their emotive vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and dynamic performances. With a unique musical style and a devoted global fanbase, The Rose continues to make a mark in the K-pop industry, captivating audiences worldwide.

Their mindset in three Words:

1. Love (a life without Love would be a dull life)

2. Truth (Honesty is a Key to solve all the problems - good and bad)

3. Teamwork (It makes everything happen, it makes the dream work)

Black rose on white background, reddots

Introducing The Rose:

Prepare to be swept off your feet by The Rose, a phenomenal K-pop Indie band that has taken the music world by storm. With their first released song turning into an instant hit, it's no wonder their music video has already amassed an incredible 2.3 million views! Their powerful blend of pop, rock, and R&B sets them apart, making them a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

What sets The Rose apart is their incredible talent for producing their music. The four members collaborate seamlessly, coming up with soulful and emotionally charged songs that resonate with fans all over the world. Their unity and teamwork shine through in every note, leaving listeners in awe of their perfection.

But it's not just their music that captivates audiences it's their genuine camaraderie and heartfelt emotions that create an unbreakable bond among the group. Their monthly tradition of watching their favorite movie, "Sing Street," together speaks volumes about their close friendship and how they relate to the film's themes, leading to a few heartfelt tears being shed during the viewing.

The Rose's immense talent has garnered them admiration from fellow K-pop artists as well. DAY6 members, WooSung's musical doppelgänger, and Jae are fans of the band. Such recognition from industry peers only further cements The Rose's undeniable potential.

WooSung's husky and soul-stirring vocals are a true highlight of the group. His voice has the power to leave you weak in the knees, gripping your heart with every note. Their live performances are a testament to the genuine emotion they infuse into their songs, making each moment a memorable and moving experience.

From busking footage that showcases their passion for music to captivating covers of famous artists like Ed Sheeran and SHINee, The Rose's talent knows no bounds. Their passion for music shines through every street performance and cover they share with their fans.

What's even more exciting is that The Rose is still growing, more and more people are joining the Fandom. Creating a safe place for everybody who needs one.

So, if you're ready to embark on an emotional journey with an incredible K-pop band, look no further than The Rose. With their soaring melodies, heartfelt lyrics, and unparalleled talent, this group is destined for greatness, and we can't wait to see them conquer the world more and more with their music and achievements!

blck and white rose with petals, white background

In the special world of music, there exists a rare and cherished connection that overcomes the boundaries of time and space—the magical bond between The Rose and their devoted fandom Black Roses. As if written in the stars, their journey together has been nothing short of a captivating story that continues to inspire hearts and souls around the globe.

From the very first note that resonated in their hearts and pressured Woosung, the members of The Rose knew they had found their calling. Little did they know that their music would soon become the lifeline for thousands.

At the heart of this captivating bond lies the power of music—a universal language that speaks to the depths of the human spirit. Even though they are singing in a different language than most people probably know, they are still able to convey their feelings and emotions. With each heartfelt lyric and soul-stirring melody, they open up a window into their very souls, inviting BRoses to share their most intimate thoughts and emotions.

In return, their fans embrace the music with an unwavering passion that knows no bounds. From every corner of the world, they gather under the Name of Black Rose, forming a vibrant community of kindred spirits. Here, age, race, and background cease to matter as they find solace in a haven built on shared love and understanding.

Through the art of social media, they engage in a unique and genuine dialogue. Every interaction becomes a cherished moment, a testament to the band's humility and appreciation for the unwavering support of their fans.

In concert halls across the world, the enchantment reaches its peak as The Rose takes the stage. The air is electric with anticipation, and as the first chords resonate, a symphony of cheers and tears fills the air. In that very moment, The Rose and BRoses become one, united by the music that dances between them.

In the eyes of us Fans, the Members are more than just Singers/Dancers/Musicians - they are beacons of hope, courage, and inspiration. Their music becomes the soundtrack of joy, resilience, and growth, an anthem that accompanies us through life's highs and lows.

Black Roses

the rose members backside drawing with there logo on top, colourfull white background