Modern Life

Modern Life by Woosung addresses the challenges and conflicts that arise from living in a technologically advanced and social media-driven modern world. The song explores themes such as isolation, the pressure to conform, and the loss of authenticity in a society obsessed with appearances.

In the first verse, the lyrics describe how the protagonist wakes up to the noise of their phone and is immediately bombarded with images of seemingly happy people on Instagram. However, the protagonist feels alone and questions why everyone else seems so content while they themselves are not. This underscores a sense of alienation and the feeling of not fitting into society's set standards.

The pre-chorus expresses the confusion and loss of identity of the protagonist. They chase shadows and question who they are supposed to be. This reflects the struggle to maintain a sense of self in a world where identity is often shaped and influenced by external factors like social media.

The chorus serves as a call to resist the pressure to conform and to maintain individuality amid the overwhelming influence of modern life. The line Don't let the lights go out, let them shine bright can be interpreted as a plea to hold onto one's true self and not be consumed by the shallowness and artificiality of the world.

In the second verse, the lyrics delve into the blurred lines between reality and falsehood. The protagonist feels surrounded by fake faces, false friends, and false fantasies, contributing to their confusion and inner unrest. They express a sense of detachment from their own desires and the influence of external validation, such as knowing the number of likes, rather than having a genuine personal preference.

The outro repeats the phrase Fuck this modern life as a defiant statement against the pressure and expectations imposed by society. It emphasizes the need to reject the negative aspects of modern life and instead embrace authenticity and personal fulfillment. The line Don't let the lights go out, let them shine once again underscores the importance of staying true to oneself despite the darkness and challenges of the modern world.

Overall, it explores the challenges of navigating in a highly digitized and appearance-focused society, and encourages listeners to resist conformity, rediscover their true identity, and embrace the uniqueness that shines within them.

kim woosung close up, singing live microphone infront of him
kim woosung moth ep trailer teaser imagie, yellow background, moth sitting on him
kim woosung moth lp poster, sitiing on blue ground smoking
kim woosung singing black white picture, holding his guitar

Wakin' up to the sound of my phone
Lookin' at what's new on Instagram
The happiest place on Earth
Everybody seems so happy
Why do they seem so damn happy here?
When I don't, all alone

Chasin' shadows, losing who I am
Who am I supposed to be?

Don't let the lights go out
Just let it shine bright, oh
So fuck this modern life
Don't let the lights go out
Just let it shine

I can't tell what's real anymore
Fake face, fake friends, fake fantasies
All on my little screen
I don't even know what I like
I just know it's got this many likes
I'm losing sight

Now I'm chasing shadows, losing who I am
Who am I supposed to be?

Don't let the lights go out
Just let it shine bright, oh
So fuck this modern life
Don't let the lights go out
Just let it shine

Fuck this modern life
Fuck this modern life
Don't let the lights go out
Just let it shine


Phase me (Remix)

