
The Rose

Fishes swimming in one direction ecxept on fish that swims against the crowd

Wonder by The Rose touches upon the theme of curiosity and questioning societal norms and expectations. The lyrics suggest a yearning for a world where differences are embraced rather than dividing people. The band wonders what it would be like if everyone were to acknowledge their commonalities and focus on the truth, hoping that this could lead to a smoother and better world.

The repetition of the chorus Do you believe there's another chance? May people sing and dance implies a hope for change and unity. There is a desire for someone to lead the way, and the question is posed as to who is willing to take responsibility and make a difference.

The chorus Rushing into nowhere, we ignite the torch of flames, pleading to uncover everything under the halo paints a picture of a society constantly in motion but not necessarily progressing. The torch of flames symbolizes the passionate search for truth and understanding, while the halo represents the superficial image or perception of things. The band expresses a yearning to reveal what lies beneath the surface and explore deeper meanings.

Overall, it encourages listeners to challenge the status quo and invites them to imagine a world where differences are celebrated, and the truth is embraced. It prompts reflection on the idea that change starts with individuals and asks who is willing to take the lead in creating a better future.

Woman reaching for the stars

What if we were all the same?
Is there a point of all the names?
Everything pictures different frames, I wonder
What if we solely say the truth?
Will all our lives be so much smooth?
Perhaps a better world's in soothe, I wonder

Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way or who wants to?

Rushing to nowhere
We light up the torch of flames
Begging to uncover
All the things under the halo
I wonder
I wonder
I wander

Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way or who wants to?
Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way? We wonder

What if we were all the same?
What's the point of all the names?
Everyone's captured in the game, I wonder
What if we solely say the truth?
Will all our lives be so much smooth?
Perhaps a better world's in bloom, I wonder

Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way or who wants to?

Rushing to nowhere
We light up the torch of flames
Begging to uncover
All the things under the halo
I wonder
I wonder
I wander

Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way or who wants to?
Do you think there's still a chance?
May the people sing and dance
Who is here to lead the way? We wonder




Heal Intro & Autro